Similar topic/rant: I am always amazed at how low the airlines start when trying to buy someone off of a flight and get them on a new one (often the next day). I have never once heard an offer that even sort of tempted me.
Similar topic/rant: I am always amazed at how low the airlines start when trying to buy someone off of a flight and get them on a new one (often the next day). I have never once heard an offer that even sort of tempted me.
His laptop, which I would proceed to paint my name upon.
Dub Nation can’t staaaaand MJ, just check the GSoM boards during any ESPN/ABC game; he’s been petty and disdainful the entire time we’ve been winning championships.
Bringing back commander keen after this long... and this is all we get? What the fuck
Commander Keen is a series that deserves much more than a free-to-play mobile game. It deserves a full-fledged, proper sequel using current tech. It was basically the forefather of all PC-based platformers.
Just give me ports of the first seven, or make a new side-scroller in that art style for Switch. This was such an EASY slam dunk, why’d they do this???
I played more hours of the Keen games than my under 10 year old self could have possible counted.
This mobile game is the shittiest looking shit I have ever seen. The gameplay looked slow and boring. I felt like they showed the same clip like 6 times, but they didn’t. If it feels that repetitive in a trailer, how…
My partner has 2 of these, and I think I hate them. They’re no more effective than dryer sheets, and they make my laundry behave like static capacitors. I can almost literally take my laundry out of the dryer in one, static-adhered chunk most of the time, even if it’s just t-shirts. Skip the balls, go for the sheets,…
My partner has 2 of these, and I think I hate them. They’re no more effective than dryer sheets, and they make my…
what a monumental FUCK YOU to Kawhi Leonard, who mostly deserves it, and an even bigger FUCK YOU to DeMar DeRozan, who didn’t realize Canadians knew those kinds of words
Interesting take, Kevin.
You can’t seriously be comparing those combination of players to Embiid and Simmons. Embiid and Simmons are clearly on a different level.
Ha, don’t hold your breath. If they were smart they wouldn’t have drafted a 30 year old Serbian PG in the first round of a rebuilding year.