
How about Dead Honky

Is it wrong I want a Wakanda pavilion at Epcot now, more so than a Black Panther ride. 

I remember Bruce Willis being in a little game called Apocalypse 

No pogo stick no go for me. 

If you can hide a separate family you can hide a ball. 

Thon does nothing well compared to the NBA average. When compared to Stanley he is a dead eye shooter who does many thing very, very poorly.

Is there a prize for losing in the first round of the playoffs. Since when is it so integral to keep role players on sub 500 teams in the last year of their contract. Toronto is blowing a sigh of relief now that Stanley Johnson left the Pistons. 

Yes and the Nets did this with no lottery picks while the Kings should of been at this point for close to ten years. 

As long as I'm not punished for playing Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics in 2018 by get Fallout 76 for free. 

Jericho can still do enough to get some casual viewers to stick around and give everything else a shot, even if he can’t wrestle full time.

I think a bounty systems sounds good with the only players with bounties shown on the map. It would be kind of similar to having your face on a wanted poster.

Watch it or Kelly Stafford will tell you how Mathew is the best qb detroit has ever had, and next year he'll make the leap. 

On the plus side we’re only paying Josh Smith for two more years.

Dont know if it would be possible but I want a anthology show about the veterinarian bringing two bit criminals together for various crimes. Or maybe I'm just waiting for the next season of Fargo. 

I know who's going to win the NFL Way to Play award this week. 

Has anyone suggested Bible Study yet. 

Can I finally get a Sub Mariner movie directed by Larry David. 

If you were really looking out for me you'd pick Duff Gardens, alas the only one who looks out for Surly is Surly. 

We need to rescue my daughter, after I grab an ice cream cone. 

You mean a month before Portland drafts him.