
Shut the fuck up dumbass.

Shut the fuck up Tomato.

Sometimes knowing whether someone is truly your friend is a grey area. 

Shut the fuck up Tomato.

My first car was an ‘82 El Camino Conquista.

Is that Steve Bannon on the left in the lead image?

This dumbass must not be a student of WWII history.

Jumping around with Great Danes is also on the rise.

Thanks for the pic. Just east of Abilene, Kansas. When there was construction on K-15 we used to take Jeep Road around to get to I-70.

Into your life it will creep.

I hope he gets mauled by a tiger in India.

Why oh why did his ankle not become gangrenous back in the day?

I can’t wait for America to flush this turd on Tuesday.

A family member posted this gem from Breitbart.

This will motivate rival schools to wampum.

I’ve made up my mind, I ain’t wastin’ no more time (on the Internet for the next hour).

404 Error: Rack not found.

Dat hood.

I don’t get all the phone clip hate. I don’t have to fish it out of my pocket all the time and there’s less risk of breaking it.

I don’t plan on being assistant groundskeeper my whole life.