Adam and Steve

They should really just use the entire main cast of Beetlejuice—Michael Keaton as the loner detective whose unorthodox methods might cause more harm than good; Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis as a good-hearted couple driven to extremes by extreme circumstances; Jeffrey Jones as a wealthy sex-offender, etc.

I see the subtle difference now…

My first thought upon seeing this news was, “I should text Albert!”

This is the correct (and most brand-stanning) take.

1. The

he’s elevated his game by making the jump from “good shooter” to “elite assassin”

If Hyde was that invested in winning the game he wouldn’t have replaced him with Araújo lol  

Say what you will but the Orioles are only 0.5 games out of the division lead with only 158 to play. They’re going to need Hess down the stretch.

161-1 here we come!

I wish the big bullies like Baltimore would stop beating up on plucky upstarts like New York.

I’ll take it!

C’mon now, this only works if the other team has more star power than the Nuggets, and looking at their potential Western Conference playoff opponents....

The blueprint is out there now. Fuck with Joker all game, get him pissed off, the refs wont give a call and he will get angry or ejected. This is how the Nuggets can be beat. IT all comes down to if the refs can call a foul or not.. that and if the rest of the team can remember how to shoot.

For some reason the topic of Tropic Thunder came up over the holidays and my friends and I agreed that the movie is great, with hilarious bits, and sadly there's no way in hell it would survive people clutching their pearls if it came out in 2019.

More than anything else, this encapsulates the need for better healthcare services for patients who aren’t super-rich.  Given hospital waiting times, it’s doubtful that most of us would be out of the hospital, home and raping comfortably just six hours after a major injury like that.

You want takes? White hot flaming takes? I GOT ONE FOR YOU PAL!!!

I mean I can be mad at George Zimmerman being found innocent, hundreds of cops not facing any murder charges, and still think that Jussie was guilty and deserved jail time. It’s not all mutually exclusive.

I thought his name was “Jessie” this whole time.