Adam and Steve

Or maybe Hyde is interested in winning more than this game? I know the Orioles are clowns (and admittedly still my team), but you can’t simultaneously say that they’re not committed to winning while also pointing out that the Manager is doing what has statistically been the correct thing to do in order to win as many

A joke was not attempted. A fact about this website’s “lack of spinwas presented.

Well this site has already established that staring at Native American is racist, why wouldn’t staring at an African American be considered a technical?

Counterpoint: Bryce Harper just got $330 million

Well done Diana.  You were on top of this yesterday.

Day-old bread.  I didn’t understand my grandfather when he asked me to get some from the fucking 7-11 in like 1994.  My mom had to yell at him and tell him no one sells day-old bread anymore.

Drinking expensive beer clearly makes you more intelligent than the average Bud Light drinker.  That’s just smart-guy science!

Any reference to Genny Cream Ales are star-worthy in my book

....Except no police department is paid per arrest.

“His body seems somehow more likely to adopt poses of artistic contortion than athletic composure.”  Nice.