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    You got it! Look at the other guys in the picture. The player at the far right, #55, looks like he’s in shock because his left eye is melting. #8 looks more natural, but still not natural. The iris’ of the player in the foreground of the close-up definitely shows evidence of red-eye correction.

    So why didn’t you shelve it before you dished it out?

    Is there anyone else in the organization jockeying for the left tackle position?

    That’s only because the conspiracy theories people in Russia, China, and North Korea come up with are actually true.

    Boris Johnson will become Unknown Male 282?

    You’re an NFL ref? Shouldn’t you be working today?

    If my wife is anything to go by, I think we’ve gone from the “anger” phase of grief and entered “depressed acceptance.”

    If this isn’t bad enough, just now there was yet another blown call against the Saints, this one killing a touchdown on a fumble called as an incomplete pass. It’s like the refs thrive on Saints fans’ tears. Please, refs, get these calls right, before my wife (lifelong Saints fan) kills someone!

    Exactly what I thought. A 14 year old edgelord bully with a checking account.

    I’m not exactly sure what you would expect the Queen to do, given that from all I’ve heard Her Majesty is in favour of Brexit.

    Don't forget how he was caught up in a diamond investment scam. 

    The ScriptSafe browser extension is your friend.

    Uh, they gave back Maine. Why wouldn’t they give back New Orleans? (Just one of the reasons Canadian kids are told, “Be polite and tell the scary Americans that the war was a tie, but really, we won it.”)

    Never mind- ninja’d.

    RuneQuest was released in 1978. Given that Glorantha is arguably the deepest fantasy setting ever created for RPGs*, has gone through several iterations with essentially the same skill-based mechanics, spawned dozens of other games directly or indirectly, the most successful of which is Call of Cthulhu, and even now

    I thought for sure that someone as going to post Courage.

    And college-like timing rules with only a single timeout per half, so the game would be over before Gruden could wind his complexion up to scarlet.

    Have you seen what happens to an American kick returner who forgot that the CFL doesn't have the "fair catch" rule? I have, and it ain't pretty (but it is hilarious).

    From what I can tell, it’s closer to a Formula 1 team sending out a car too late to do a last-minute fast lap in qualifying. It’s not the first time that a team delayed sending out their best car so that they’d be last to run in clean air, only to have an unexpected crash by an opponent or a mistake by their driver

    +1 Contact with the ball.