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    Hey, don’t be dissing CFL names! “Argonauts” is one of the best names in sports (and the oldest continuously used name in North American football), and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.

    Read the article posted to day on Deadspin. It explains a lot.

    Also, “That’s hat you get for being a dead man, dead man.” Law of the universe: story discussing misspellings has misspellings.

    I think that’s what they call “Zeus Bronze”. Stupid name... but I really like that color.

    I was 6 during Apollo 11 and I remember the landing. I had a print of the picture of the three astronauts used for this article. I made a special effort to remember the name of the guy standing in the middle. To me he was the real hero, going all that way but not getting to land. I always looked up to and identified

    Speaking as a board game player who gets infuriated at others who refuse to even think about their turn before hand (yes, Karen, you’re the reason Arkham Horror takes 6 freaking hours to finish!), I totally empathize with the professional golfer. And that’s a phrase I never thought I’d write.

    Yeah, but that wasn’t in the middle of a season. It was near the end. Right before a bowl game. For a million dollars

    The problem with the Newton is that it had handwriting recognition. You could pop up a keyboard, but the idea behind the Newton was for it to recognize your style of writing characters and use it. I had a friend who had one, and he didn’t have much trouble with it during the training phase. A lot of people did, which

    The Formula 1.5 subreddit is on it.

    Those series all include races long enough that the cars literally can’t complete the race without refueling. Refueling isn’t the answer for F1. The Schumacher era showed that. 

    Forty years ago today I was working one of my first closing shifts at McDonald’s when someone had me go back into the fridge and do a pickle count. So there I was, counting pickles out of a cold, vinegary bucket. Not one of my finest moments.

    This is equivalent to a neighborhood restaurant “closed for renovations”.

    Me, too. I’m not a fan of musicals. I hate when the story comes to a screeching halt to sing at me in a song style I don’t like.

    I had the “it was about states rights” argument with someone at work. “If it was about states rights,” I asked, “why did Southern politicians fight so hard to have the federal Fugitive Slave Act enforced? A law that was all about slavery and superseded contradictory laws in free states?” Crickets.

    My company’s clients are fairly good at backing things up, as in they follow the backup procedures they’ve had for years, to the letter. However, they are horrible about testing the recovery of those backups. We had a client call us about a message they had been getting for months that essentially said that their

    Orillia sure about that?

    I’ll see myself out.

    I assumed they worked for FEMA.

    So all it takes to get in the head of England’s coach is to find out if the hotel has a pool and if breakfast is complimentary?

    That insult works on so many levels. You are my favorite internet person today.

    I run the dev department of a small software company in a completely different industry. From this article, I can see that Treyarch don’t have a clue how to do proper development and testing. QA isn’t your only line of defense against bugs, it’s your last line of defense.