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Oh, phew, I thought we were going to have to send our emergency clown reserves down from Canada. And then of course we'd all have to sing the song. Yes, THAT song.

A job market with a...shortage? Guess I've found a place to put my liberal arts degree to good use.

I hate mystery and crime solving type novels, but J.K.R is the master. It was amazing, I couldn't put it down. If you enjoy her writing style, buy it. Totally worth it.

I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.

"I can see them from my house!"

I am totally worried about setting a poor example for my daughter when I have sex with this person I barely know then turn around and treat her like crap.

Good things there aren't gays on this show, though. We're much more difficult to explain to your daughter than late-night ocean sex with strangers.

Just ask Ukrainians about Dangerous Russian Face Water.

DON'T self publish. I've read many many self published books. There's a reason publishers aren't interested in publishing your magnum opus. It sucks. It won't sell. It's terrible. You can't write. Your plot isn't original and has already been an episode of The Simpsons, Twilight Zone, Gilligan's Island, and

Dearly beloved Canadians,

I'm fine with criticism. I'd like to become better, and listening to criticism is a good place to start. But Groupthink posts speculating on my mental health posted in a space that the participants never thought I'd read isn't "criticism," it's performative outrage and gleeful, shitty small person bullshit. I wouldn't

Thanks. I'll work hard to do better at making your free entertainment meet your expectations.

I think it's been talented, brave, and on point. Go EGR!!!! Don't listen to em girl you da shit.

Jezebel has gotten mean and petty lately, and so have a lot of Jezebel commenters who fancy themselves above the the fray. The thread on how much better some commenters' writing is than the writer's of Jez, was just so...misguided and petty.

And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for

"This is about Vogue, and what Vogue decides to do with a specific woman who has very publicly stated that she's fine just the way she is, and the world needs to get on board with that. Just how resistant is Vogue to that idea?"

She's a bitter fat person who is too lazy to lose the weight and thus shits on someone who bothered to put in the effort.

Seriously? No. Losing weight is a great thing, especially for the person who did it. It takes a lot of hard work and is a significant accomplishment with clearly visible and often awesome results. She looks amazing, stop being a poopyhead.

If this woman is proud of what she did, who are you to tell her not to be?