Stuff of nightmares for foreseeable future.
Stuff of nightmares for foreseeable future.
Admiration is mutual.
How is it belittling? It's half a sentence at the bottom of an article, praising her lengthy list of accomplishments in her professional life! People like you say this stuff, way overreacting to something totally insignificant, when there are real freaking issues facing women of color in power.
Jesus Christ, when did it become wrong to be happy for powerful, smart women being in succesful, fulfilling relationships? That's not feminism, it's just spite...
Not sure if I'm slow or Jezebel seems to be becoming a banal collection of Things-We-Don't-Like-Let's-Rag.
Tie those fuckers down and jab them with a shot. Jonas Salk didn't spend his life on this shit for it to be discredited by Jenny fucking McCarthy.