
I mean, MAYBE we can say he didn’t try to hurt the other player, but there’s no way on earth moving your shoulder into someone’s legs while they are in the air for no reason is “unintentional”.

Vince gonna have to live with the slow motion version of that replay. He may not generally take cheap shots, and the Warriors players are all doing him a solid and giving him support in their interviews, but that was bad and sucked. Twenty point goddamn game too.

I don’t think Carter did anything intentionally and he was visibly upset and remorseful. But still, what the fuck was he doing?

I normally would say shit happens in a scramble on a potentially slick basketball court...but no, that motherfucker stopped chasing the ball and dove at Gobert’s knees.

is it illegal to have sex in the woods?

I don’t want to be in a position of defending Green’s extracurricular antics but he’s probably right in this case—Beal seems to have initiated this and of course, Green helps escalate it but then Beal has him in a headlock which is a bit more egregious than Green’s bearhug. And the other Wizards bumrush them making

Is Curry going to be as productive as Kawhi Leonard and Kevin Durant throughout the rest of his career? Perhaps not, but only a true rich asshole would try to convince anyone that Curry hasn’t earned at least every dollar he’s being paid.

That’s nuts. Even if you think Durant is just, in the abstract, better than Curry (and I’m not sure), Curry and Draymond are still the most important players on that team, because what they do makes everything else possible.

It’s might sound crazy but follow me here.

That’s precisely what I inferred in real time.

Oh man, that’s a pretty savage subtweet.

“If I did, I would have deleted my tweet.”