
I mean, yeah. Vince undercut a guy while he was dunking. It was a completely reckless play. Far more so than the Zaza/Leonard play you’re still so steamed about. You’re reaching because you’re mad about the Warriors being good. That’s cool. Just acknowledge where you’re coming from.

Please point out to me what the Warriors did that was hypocritical. When did Kerr compare what Carter did to manslaughter? The Warriors, to a man, said that they didn’t think it was dirty. I’m either missing something, or you’re so deep in your feelings about the Warriors you’re spouting bullshit.

Yeah, he fully undercut him. I don’t think it was an intentionally dirty play, but had a Warrior player done that this site would be exploding with anger about how dirty it was.

16 in the regular season. Resets in the playoffs. That part isn’t new either.

Fans and refs? Damn, one mouthguard that hit no one sure was thrown at a lot of people!

That’s gotta hurt Mr. “We’re a family” Kanter. See what being super loyal to a franchise gets you? Shipped out as soon as a better option surfaces.

LeBron just trashes his teammates through the regular old media.

You know the story about how when Randy Orton first started, he was doing all this flippy, crazy athletic shit and someone, I think it was Arn Anderson, pulled him aside and said “Listen kid, you’re going to be a star. You don’t need to do all that stuff to get over and if you start it now you’ll just end up breaking

The Jeff Garcia - Terrell Owens - Bryant Young - Steve Mariucci 49ers were fun as fuck and are directly responsible for my fandom of the current iteration of the team that plays in Santa Clara.