
Sure, but your skin cancer has never looked better!

He goes up like a meth lab. I can't help watching this over and over.

Psht, call me when turkin' makes a comeback..

I conjured up a ridiculous image of some New York soccer mom (looking at you, sis) whipping an iPad out of her giant purse at Trader Joe's and got a serious case of the giggles.

This is bothering me a lot more than it should.

I travel a lot for my two jobs (military and govt contractor), and when I go for more than two days I always take my Xbox. Once I got stuck at DFW for four hours. I found a quiet corner with a blank wall and a power outlet. I plugged my Xbox into the wall, then plugged in a small Brookstone projector (usually used for

I feel really bad laughing at some of these, but damn they are good. Adding now!

They're taking the dead white guys off the money? I can't even imagine what the reaction would be if that was proposed in the U. S.

How to sleep warmly on a cold night without breaking the bank on a heating bill:

Puppy scarf FTW!

"You didn't see anything."

Was talking dirty to Mr. Hot on the phone late one night...and talking wasn't enough. Headed out for the 45 minute drive to his house. In a very dark area on a country road I hit a moose with my car. Totalled the car. When the state trooper arrived, he let me use his phone to call Mr. Hot, who came and picked me up,

Through high school, I was weird by choice. I mean it. I didn't kiss any boys or go to any parties. I studied hard and slayed at obscure extra-curricular that got me ridiculed at school but won me week-long vacations to national conventions every summer. It was at one of these conventions where I met one of my best

Clowns. My best story involves a lot of clowns.

I mean, I have other stories. Honorable mention goes to the time I had sex on the 5th floor of a hotel's glass-walled staircase in plain view of the street below because we couldn't afford to get a room in said hotel, and the time I swam out to the center of Walden Pond

I've used $600 Windows laptops that I want to smash against the wall they run so slow. The whole reason Chrome OS is great isn't the price, it's the simplicity and the fact that it just works and works good (unless you install too many extensions) if all you need is web stuff.