Mister Pants

No wonder they're so vibrant!

R.I.P. Alien Jesus
He died as he lived, pooping incorrectly.

Dr. Phil: "You really KILLED out there!"

Stop needling him!


Better than Disco Duck

He'll never get over Macho Grande!!

Couldn't they have just played him off with the Oscar Long Speech Music?

Capricorn One: Origins

M-O-O-N, that spells "ill-advised biopic"

Fifty-four forty or fight!

AV Club became Gizmodo so abruptly that I totally noticed!

What jackery is this??

But Enver Gjokaj is alive and well!


I enjoyed The Force Awakens far more than Rogue One, which surprised me because I was really excited to see a "grown-up" war/heist movie set in the Star Wars universe. But too much of Rogue One felt like a grim, joyless slog, which deflated my interest after a strong start. I was bored by nearly everything that

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The Telegraph article I read on this topic did point out that this year isn't nearly as bad as the years when we had WWI and WWII, and the Black Death. So we got that going for us!

It was darkly funny earlier in the year, when we lost Bowie, Alan Rickman, Abe Vigoda, and Garry Shandling, but the joke has long since worn out its welcome.

Nothing cheers me up when I'm in the dumps like Singin' in the Rain, and Debbie Reynolds is a huge part of the film's charm. I read somewhere that Reynolds suffered terribly during the making of that movie, but I am eternally grateful that she persevered!