Mister Pants

It makes complete sense. If you're a wealthy sociopath, you can enjoy a tranquil existence without any unhealthy stress from worrying about the less fortunate or the future of humanity. Life is blissfully simple when your only concern is your own enrichment.

I accidentally read some of those comments, and am once again reminded that I live in a bubble of relative sanity on the Internet. It gets so much worse out there. So much worse.

Well, studies show that happy people live longer, and evil, selfish sociopaths are probably fairly happy people, not being encumbered with consciences, guilt, or concern for the less fortunate.

Could someone please let Death know that he's got the "Live to 100" and "Expedite" folders mixed up?

Stay with us, Carrie! You are needed here!

You Drumpf, I Drumpf!

I pray that our global community has the wisdom to choose the correct side of this issue.

Their insistence that there were sooo many Rockettes asking to perform comes across suspiciously like they're protesting a tad too much.

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege grousing with you tonight.

Yeah, food seems to be emotionally charged for people to a greater degree than things like movies or TV shows. Not just in the area of foodie snobbery, but also diet. I wonder if it's because your sense of what tastes good is so much more subjective and so heavily influenced by fundamental personal stuff like your

Only white people are members of BAFTA?

Well, fuck.

Lots of cheerful decorations?

My only "beef" (ha-ha) with Supper Club is that it's the answer to a question I doubt anyone here was asking. The food articles here are just a pale imitation of the same topics covered by sites like Serious Eats, The Kitchn, First We Feast, Eater, etc. that are dedicated to food coverage. Meanwhile they cut back on

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Nickel Creek's address*


Shut up! My mother was a saint (Bernard)!

I can accept the fact that I'm at work, but what's with people who are also working today calling and emailing me with work bullshit? Can we as a working class not agree to collectively goof off today?

But…then film casting wouldn't be the completely objective process, not in any way influenced by factors other than acting ability, that it is now!