Mister Pants

He misspelled "pubic"

"Look, we put a label on every bag that says, 'Kid! Be careful — broken glass!' I mean, we sell a lot of products in the Bag O' line.. like Bag O' Glass, Bag O' Nails, Bag O' Bugs, Bag O' Vipers, Bag O' Sulfuric Acid. They're decent toys, you know what I mean?"

"You know, Mr. Bernstein, if I hadn't been very rich, I might have been a really poor piece of shit."

If they are required to perform, I hope they wear baggy corduroy slacks.

Follow the umami!

Mine is "We Care A Lot For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her"

I would argue that saying "I have to compromise my beliefs and sacrifice parts of my humanity in some way in order to make a living in this country, so everyone else should have to as well" is one of the reasons why most of us have to compromise our beliefs and sacrifice parts of our humanity in some way in order to

Not So Tiny Tim

There's still plenty of time left in the day for a Kanye West or Lena Dunham post!


A drama about sexual depravity and a mainstream network like NBC was always a…dangerous liaison.

What frustrates me is, this was also the takeaway in 2000 and 2004, yet Democrats apparently learned nothing from those defeats. "She's one of the most virulently disliked and mistrusted politicians in modern American history…but she's so qualified! Voters always elect the candidate who looks better on paper!"

You pole cats led us astray!

“DJ Freedom get [sic] you in the mood to celebrate! With a deep catalog of tuned [sic] from all genres, DJ Freedom will be taking requests and spinning all your favorite dance tunes.” Also, the only image the website provides is just a stock photo of a cartoon DJ.

I won't buy it, I'll wait until it leaks to the torrent sites.

Is that the song from Tootanic?

I hear it's really blowing up!

*reluctantly upvotes*

He ate the yellow snow?