Mister Pants

Seeing it gestate or nine times won't be enough!

All right, we'll engage in dialogue with the conservatives and libertarians…but no Irish!

Vodka, gin, and bourbon?

I guess they're saving "eschaton" for later on in the Trump presidency…

Don't go on….

Hey, check out the Sith over here, dealing in absolutes!

[stops turning]

The A.V. Club
completely arbitrary honors of meaningless pop-culture ephemera

Took you long enough!

Hey, at least she took a shot at it.

I knew that price was too good to be true!

Who's crying now, J. Geils Band?

No way, they were raised on radio.

Alien Jesus thinks the bad bush is between old Obi-Wan's legs.

Here's some indulgences. Go see a Star War.

I don't like Americans. They're coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere.

From my point of view you're English!

The English Charity Commission has flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. They've seen a lot of strange stuff, but they've never seen anything to make them believe there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything.

And were suddenly…not silenced, but just kept on crying and crying.

2017 is already shaping up to be a dark, gritty reboot of 2016!