Mister Pants

Fargin bastidges!

I imagine these characters will show up on Star Wars Rebels at some point.

Now we go after the fishmongers!

"Cold fish!"

It's the craze that's sweeping the nation!

Should have been "The \m/itch"

Based on CGI Tarkin and Leia…apparently the world could use a few more!

Damn, I missed that Westworld episode!

Well that was easy!

"Call no man happy until he is dead." — Aeschylus

We'll most likely be dead before the earth suffers the worst of the imminent global climate change catastrophes!

This time it's even more personal!

Mynd you, wick bites Kan be pretti nasti.

Although I can say I had a good time overall, I have to agree with you, I didn't feel much for the characters, and was bored for much of the film. So much of it is taken up with moving pieces around and setting up the final scenes. It reminded me a little of Suicide Squad in that it takes so much time, unnecessarily,

I guess my late Arrival makes me too late for this pun thread. :(

As in "to swing!"

We remember the classics of bygone eras, but not so much the ton of dreck they rose above!

I prefer my eyes of the young over easy.

Passable job, Internet.

I was about to make the same comment (except I was ten)!