Mister Pants

I think I'll wait for the extended director's cuts.

The Aphex Twin remix adds ten additional minutes of guttural moaning.

Whatever you do don't google Slam Bamboo. I just did and now I feel bad.

I always wondered what inspired his intense self-loathing!

At least we're in this together.

I can already hear the March of the Pigs!

Come on, punning is not a Sin

You're going to catch some FLAC for that wisecrack

The "physical component" is of course a monkey tied to a cross.

Oh Kuma on, give it a chance!

Scrappybilly = floor worm

Why only corgis? What about pugs? #AllDogsMatter

It seems like every new version of iTunes just makes it less usable, and every version has some weird bug. It's been around for like 15 years now and it still sucks!

I just want my phone to decently run the apps I put on it and to be problem-free and easy to use. I have a PC at home for tinkering purposes!

I can't wait for the iBidet

All three of my co-workers who voted for Trump use Android phones!

It's the scientific study of Audrey Tautou!

I live on the edge!

He'll return after some shuteye.

I believe it's something they do in Seattle along with scrambling eggs.