Mister Pants

I'm not comparing TFW to the prequels, though - I'm comparing Lucas and non-Lucas Star Wars movies. The question in my mind going into TFW was, would it give me the kind of rush that Star Wars did when I first saw it as a kid? And by and large, the answer was yes. Now, is that because the film borrowed so liberally

Robin Hood: Origins: Origins: Men in Tights

I was delighted with it from start to finish. Was it flawed? Sure, but what Star Wars movie hasn't been uneven? What was important to me is that it felt like a Star Wars movie, and it did. To some extent it is a rehash of the original trilogy, updated for a new generation with a few original twists, and I am totally

Meh, it's parve for the course.

Not a Chance

Jew come up with that yourself?


I thought that take smelled hot…on the outside!

Every day is The Day the Clowes Cried

NO! NO! Antonio! Too sexy! Too sexy!!

How to Lose the Death Star Plans in 10 Days

10 Things I Hate About Darth

I think you've found the Fault in our Star Wars.

But Vader wouldn't have been redeemed and brought back from the Dark Side.

Except in cantinas. They don't serve their kind there.

I never got the sense from A New Hope that Tarkin was more involved with the Death Star than being its commander. So I wouldn't necessarily expect him to be on the Death Star before construction was complete, any more than I'd expect a CEO to be personally supervising the construction of the company office building.

You will be disappointed.

Back off, Warchild…

Now this is grimdark prequeling!