Mister Pants

They must be pooped after that double elimination duty!

They're giving me a terrible Igraine.

I hope you took light Grail!

I…may have Briton off more than I could chew…

I was Guinevere away from this pun thread…I Avalon commute home from work!

I have Tristan your ability to come up with better puns!

Admittedly, they're not of the highest excalibur.

Nope. Ywain this one!


They inspired Mordred that way than if they just used their fists.

Fatman Forever: The Val Kilmer Story

I…so confused…

I like Whoppers! Albeit in more of a shame-based way.

Don't just scroll, stop and Gaza at one or two!

Always happy to Sharon the hilarity!

As long as the ingredients are Purim definitely on board!

I don't want to Hindu your spiritual growth, but maybe you should Sikh out a different religion!

I can't help it! I see a whopper, I want to Ramadan my throat!

I didn't have time to Kraft a better comment!

Ayatollah I really love burgers!