Mister Pants

I had no idea Cat Power was Jewish!

I can't Begin to tell you how much I want to try one!

Whoa, that's a Lot of salt!

The way islam them down, I barely even taste the toppings!

I'm starting as many as I Koran!

Thanks, but I'm full. You can Take It Away.

Probably because they couldn't get Allah the same toppings.

On second thought, hold the ketchup!

But only east of the Rockies!

I'm not sure about that red sea of ketchup though!

This burger looks nice and Jewsy!

"I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at like the Gas 'n' Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere?"

…and there was much rejoicing!

Dolphins look cute but are actually assholes


I like how their eyes follow you around the room.

Ya know…if I wanted daily updates on "funny" stuff happening on Reddit…I'd be on Reddit.

I hate to be that "this show is still on?" guy, but…this show is still on?

That explanation makes sense — the light that burns half as bright lasts twice as long?

I tried rewatching Prometheus recently. I figured maybe I was too hard on it the first time, and hey, it looked good so I could probably at least enjoy the visuals! I lasted about 15 minutes.