Mister Pants

I wonder if Obama envies the low "please just don't blow up the world" bar of expectation that his successor will enjoy.

You fools! 2016 can see her now! She's doomed!

Seth MacFarlane…fresh material? Truly the end of days!

Hey, I clicked the link and it just took me to an Amazon page for a bunch of Gor books!

Thanks, this makes more sense now. Yeah, the idea that people hate Trump out of elitism is so ridiculous that I forget that it's something his supporters actually believe. I hate Trump because he's the kind of asshole piece of shit I have to deal with all the time in my everyday life. I've had way too many shitty

I'm kidding of course — Pence would have to be recognizably human to be into any weird kinks…

Trump Saying Terrible Things renewed through 2020 :(

But does that mean Hollywood wouldn't hate Trump if he were a different type of piece of shit that wasn't like the pieces of shit they work with?

It's a Bryan Fuller show, so you'll probably get your wish!

LOL true!

So…an adult baby?

You said Santorum twice!


On the bright side, the climate change apocalypse should take care of that pesky overpopulation problem soon enough!

Woo. Yeah.

Woooooo yeah!!!


Bobby said it was okay!