Mister Pants

I was able to dodge almost all of the really bad movies this year, the exception being Zoolander 2, which I thought would be at least watchable on the strength of nostalgia alone. It…was not watchable.

Masterchef: The Professionals is airing right now in the UK (I don't think it's available anywhere…legally…in the U.S.) I love it — it's like Top Chef if Top Chef actually gave a shit about cooking skill.

Falco's "Der Kommissar" remains my favorite music video of all time.

Hey, check out this guy who thinks he's not in the darkest timeline!

There's still plenty of time left in 2016 for American Gods to be canceled!

They're astronauts…on some sort of star trek…


First oranges, now hash browns ruined by the Donald. Will the terror never end?

Oh man, that beautiful little space of time when "Smells Like Teen Spirit" exploded! The feeling of the ground dropping away describes it perfectly, I think. I remember hearing it for the first time in this little dive bar, and seeing people going absolutely insane. Absolutely thrilling and I haven't been affected

I have fondness for most 90s pop culture, especially the sillier/fluffier stuff. It just seems like such an innocent time, knowing what was waiting around the corner in the 2000s.

The next morning, Pops Freshenmeyer wakes up…WITHOUT EARS

The Day the New Sincerity Died

I've never been clear on why there was such a backlash against Napoleon Dynamite. Is it because it became popular so quickly, and the jokes and catchphrases immediately became "too mainstream?" Or was it when it came out that Jared and Jerusha Hess are Mormons?

Exactly! Also, Paul McCartney actually did die in the 60s — he ascended to heaven, where he heard the melody of "Yesterday" being sung by the angels, was like, "my work on Earth is not yet done," returned to the mortal plane, and the rest is history. (He would later repeat this miraculous feat, except this time

I had the first General Public album on heavy rotation back in high school! Interesting thoughts…yeah, it's kind of embarrassing to think about it now, but General Public/English Beat really captured my mood as a teenager. I think the naked emotionality of songs like "Tenderness" and "Anxious" really stood out for me

Same…I attribute it to aging and becoming jaded. I wish I could still be shocked by music the way I was as a kid/teen.

The video absolutely blew my mind!

Side side question: what artists do you suspect might have actually done this? Whenever I hear "Bridge Over Troubled Water," it has such a timeless quality that I can't believe Paul Simon composed it, that it isn't an old gospel song from the 1800s.

No man with a good car needs to be justified!

One of the many things that makes me sad about growing old and jaded is that music has lost its ability to scare the shit out of me. Ministry's Land of Rape and Honey album was probably the last piece of music that had that effect on me, where I was like, "damn, these guys are fucking scary." I remember as a kid