Mister Pants

My josh!

Je ne suis pas Seth Rogen

Nazis. I hate these guys!

I fell asleep watching it. The stream of "fucks" melded into a soothing white noise of gratuitous profanity!

Yup, "the worst" pretty much sums us up!

Trump is more like that one guy who is not funny or entertaining but just horrible and awful.

This reminds me of the time I didn't buy anything with the money I didn't have from making nothing!

I'll take it!

It is a silly place.

Uh, baba booey?

I wept because I had no shoes, until I met a man who could not gaze at my shoes.

*record scratch* The Smiths are releasing new things??

"You pochos didn't want me back, huh? Orale — I'm back anyway!"

Only if you're Robert the Bruce!

I need more cofee

Joe Carnahan vs. Eli Roth is basically like watching two drunken assholes fighting outside a bar. There are no winners here, only losers.

I guess it depends on what value system you're coming from. If you believe it's wrong, period, to use animals as food or in products, then you might consider it worth the additional cost in resources to avoid using animal products. There are many vegan foods and products that are probably worse for the environment

More! More things put next to other things!

Still not worse than seeing that photo of Andrew W.K. on every other article!