Mister Pants

How Rude!

That would be cool beans!

2017 mission statement of the National Science Foundation

R4mp4ge: Peorians On Patrol

My name is Pants and I'm here to say

I always wondered what went on in the "Camp Hazing" chat room, but was too scared to peek inside.

*leaps backward out of frame*

The A.V. Club

I'm thinking unrealistically high expectations won't be a problem with this movie!

I don't want any hosts to turn out to be other hosts. I'm already confused enough as it is!

Mind blown


Satan is Boring

I guess for me it's laziness. If I want to find discussions on a video game I just started playing, for instance, I find it easier to just go to reddit and find the subreddit for that game, than to search around for a discussion forum. And most of the video game discussions forums I've seen are 99% garbage, but on

To Noam is to love him!

Need abobo ASAP

"Fuck everything, we're doing five death stars!"

Rogue Two: Bothans Zero

He's actually researching his next film, Raging Papal Bull

Everybody Has Astro-AIDS!