Mister Pants


Nonsense - with modern technology, they should be able to fake the Mars landings for a fraction of the cost of faking the Moon landings!

This doesn't sound creepy at all!

"Get outta my dreams…get into my Uber!"

The main question answered by this column: what are some names I can add to my block list?

It's true - this man has a dick!

It's literally a mute point!

Hey, this box of condoms is full of empty wrappers!

That reminds me - I haven't seen a HateSong for a while now!

You crazy kids and your, uh, whatever this is!

Good times!

Ch4sing 4my

I just want to be encased in carbonite for the next four years…

The dark side is quicker, easier, more seductive.


"Turd Party" sounds like a pretty apt description of the next few years….

I guess for me, watching and rewatching shows are very different activities. Watching is about the novelty of experience and (for the deeper shows) thinking about ideas, but rewatching for me is more about relaxation and escapism. That's probably why I'm more able to rewatch frothier shows like sitcoms than really

School, who cares!

Yeah, it's funny to me because at the time, I just wanted to watch the conspiracy episodes, and had little patience for the standalones. But now, those are the most rewatchable, while the conspiracy ones now seem dated.

I thought this Q&A was going to be about TV series that you love but stopped watching for some reason and haven't caught back up with. Adventure Time is one of my favorite shows, but I stopped watching it about two seasons ago — why, I don't know. Also, Bojack Horseman — I love it but have yet to watch the current