Mister Pants

Good luck getting a waiter's attention!

"Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!"



Not to mention not needing groceries thanks to all that free craft service food!

I like Paul because I can relate to his well-intentioned cluelessness, but in his own way he's as selfish and inconsiderate as Lindsay.

I'm Crackin' Up over here!

Maya Rudolph or depart the premises!

I dunno, the fellow has some disturbing prostate issues.


I'll stop using outdated catchphrases….NOT!

A kindly-looking old woman wipes your memory with the trigger phrase “the perils of the technology we rely on in our daily lives.” You won’t remember seeing this episode.

If there is such a thing as a soul, I don't believe it's something that can be digitized and stored on a server. I imagine that if people have some spiritual dimension to their selves, after death it goes to wherever such things go, and whatever it is that's transferred online is merely the sum of all the information

I was fascinated by this episode in part because I really enjoy thinking about the topic of consciousness and the implications of digitizing ourselves.

I do imagine that, in a world of everlasting life where people don't experience pain or physical suffering – or can opt out of those sensations – a lot of people would probably descend into savage, immoral behavior (basically like the descriptions I've read of GTA Online). There were a few references in the episode to

How do you know that you are the same person as the one who went to sleep last night? I mean, leaving aside the extreme unlikelihood that someone destroyed your body and replaced it with a perfect duplicate, if such a thing had happened, how would you know that the "you" who slipped out of consciousness last night and

But you can never check out!

I was happy for Yorkie and Kelly, but then I remembered that poor awkward arcade nerd who gets repeatedly shot down. "Forever alone" takes on a darker meaning in San Junipero!

That's one lucky blogger who'll be

Subtlety is not this show's strong suit.