Mister Pants

He'll have to wait in the annex until we get our next shipment of "Casino Royale ball torture" chairs.

The last really good found footage horror movie I can think of is Lake Mungo — although I suppose that was really a mockumentary.

Jason Takes Anger Management

Oh for fuck's sake…OK Mr. Bambaataa, please take a number and have a seat over there with the other formerly awesome artists now revealed to be pieces of shit.

Back in my day, we didn't have fancy Lego sets to build serial killer tableaux with. We used stray cats and hobos!

Hulk write strongly worded missive to local newspaper editorial staff!

Excellent username/comment synergy!

It's sponsored by Arbei's!

So, I take it we should not see this movie?

I'm totally willing to share my sandwiches with the surviving remnants of post apocalyptic civilization, provided they let me into the bunkers keeping out the roving bands of marauders seeking fresh bodies for their cannibal dungeons!

Sometimes a series of surreal fragmentary hallucinations as you lay suspended on the border between life and death is just a series of surreal fragmentary hallucinations as you lay suspended on the border between life and death!

Now do Sears!

You never open your monstrous, fanged maw until you know what the shot is!

I should have said, with the insane amount of money they're getting, though, who needs to worry about their future careers…provided they have a modicum of sense and/or restraint?

* DeNiro hands Qweef Latina 75 cents* "Don't forget your change!"

That's what Tandy said

Hey, your sex life is none of our beeswax.

I have it saved on my laptop, in case I ever decide to blow my brains out and my will to live flares up at the last second.

OK, now that threat is Beyond the pale.

Well that sure took a sudden trek into darkness.