Mister Pants

What is the aborted followup to the 1981 Genesis album Abacab?

Well, I think the way he exited the show after his last taping — just walking off while the winners were celebrating — was pretty funny. But Jesus, everything after that? Being in a car accident that left him in permanent pain, his business ventures failing, falling into suicidal depression, being hospitalized after a

"Life ain't nothin' but Pitches and money."
— Anna Kendrick

Tonal Drift

That pun fell a little flat.

"Ever dance with a penguin in the pale moonlight?"

I feel like there should be some threshold — 20 years? — after which it should properly be called a "revival" rather than a sequel.

"…And these are lost drunken men who like Michael Bay, but DO care."

If anyone needs to be spaced in 2016, it's Trump!

With the insane money they're getting, though, who needs to worry about their future careers?

"Truly, this man was a stone cold killer,"

I'm just amazed that in this day and age, there can be a test screening for a Star Wars movie and there are no leaks. What else is Reddit for but anonymously violating nondisclosure agreements?

I will…this time…but Never Let Me Down Again!


Most accurate indie film title since Walking and Talking!

This was funny, but the comments led me to the sad story of former Family Feud host Ray Combs…which was not funny. :(

Not the A.V. Club
refreshingly nonjudgmental

Bateman Forever!

I click on every one to register my disappointment, then keep clicking on them throughout the day to see if others share in my displeasure…yet they keep posting them! I don't get it!