Mister Pants

My younger co-worker is 8 years younger than I am, and I had to explain to her that "meme" wasn't pronounced "me-me."

That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get creepier, they stay the same age.

If these comments are any indication, he's a Dead Man!


I can see both sides, but I would agree that to hide the photos feels a bit like victim-shaming.

I'd kind of like to date someone younger so they could explain to me how to use Snapchat!

Once again I am so relieved that I don't have any children.

He's too much of a Cry-Baby to survive prison!

I'm dubious - if this really happened, why didn't I get an Amber alert?

That's Deppressing news!


Have you seen the spelling bee documentary Spellbound? Shit gets intense!

I think that actually supports El Santo's point — no one gives a shit anymore!

Between the 2 of them you'd think they'd have enough to share!

It's low-hanging fruit — easy to make the jokes, easy to laugh at them.

It's true!



I can't think of another film series that went so abruptly and completely off the rails after such a promising start. I loved how lean and gritty the first Blade was, with its cool 70s grindhouse/blaxploitation vibe. Instead of continuing along those lines, though, the sequel went off into a bunch of nonsense with

I thought Dr. Manhattan was off in some other galaxy creating new life forms?