Mister Pants

It'll be interesting if next season involves Pastor Tim and Elizabeth each trying to turn the other!

Quantum of So

Licence to Shrug

From Russia With Whatevs

And the idea of the characters' abilities is really quite inventive. Trying not to spoil anything here, but the problem with most ensemble action-oriented shows is the basic logistics of getting various combinations of characters together, and Sense8 neatly dispenses with all of that. I can't think of another show

I can't think of another recent TV show that has managed to cut through my jaded, depressive fog the way Sense8 did.

I think the pairing of the Wachowskis and J. Michael Straczynski is inspired. JMS's solid storytelling instincts rein in the Wachowskis' excessive tendencies, while the Wachowskis' visual style really livens up JMS's storytelling. And they are very simpatico in terms of their optimistic humanism.

Admirable restraint, m8!

An interesting advantage of the Netflix model! If it had unwound slowly week-by-week, I suspect the initial buzz would have worn off and people would have lost interest long before the 3rd or 4th week. But there were enough people who binged the whole thing the first week and started some good word of mouth going,

Yeah, but I let it go so the thread wouldn't be Derailed!

I'll have to rewatch this one. I also loved how full of hope it was, and the way it celebrates life and human interconnectedness. While also bringing some kickass action and a compelling storyline and characters. It felt pretty damned refreshing amidst the ocean of relentlessly dark and cynical genre shows and movies.

It starts out a little rough, building up to revealing its premise, so the first three or four episodes initially can seem confusing. Once it takes off, though, it's brilliant. Without spoiling anything, the central idea of it, IMO, is genius, in terms of how to deploy an ensemble cast in an action-heavy series.

It had a Double Impact on me!


"They pull a joke, you pull a story!"

I can't wait for the inevitable Tumblr of movie posters with Mel Gibson's head replacing Anthony Hopkins's head!

That's dumb — why would she put her forehead on a toilet seat?

Piña Coladas? Walks in the rain?

*breaks down sobbing uncontrollably*

Yeah, ultimately his undoing will be that women don't just dislike Trump, they fucking hate the guy and will absolutely turn out to vote him down. He's basically every shitty cheating husband and sexually-harassing boss in a single sleazy leering package.