Mister Pants

90% of it was like outtakes from a John Waters project that he lost interest in.

So, just one more week of having to look at that guy's goofy picture?

James Cameron had better step up his game — Power Rangers are totally kicking Avatar's ass in un-asked-for sequels!

Quiet, you!

Yeah, people are talking tough right now because emotions are running high, but I guess I have enough faith — in progressives, anyway — that when it comes time to actually cast a ballot, Bernie supporters are not going to be able to bring themselves to contribute to a Trump presidency.

Yeah, regardless of any legal ramifications, the situation reveals a mind-boggling lack of judgment on Clinton's part. That is the most charitable assessment. At worst, it demonstrates a practically Nixonian contempt for government rules. What this ultimately means for her campaign or about her fitness to govern is

Trump is a massive piece of shit. Clinton is also a piece of shit, but one with a lot of corn kernels in it. And corn is delicious. So she's definitely got that going for her!

My college roommate was actually a fervent Dukakis fan. He worked on the Dukakis campaign in Wisconsin, and was such a Dukakis admirer that his room had literally nothing on the walls except really bad Dukakis fan art – FRAMED. He had drawn Dukakis in all these scenarios, like playing baseball. He claimed that he

Hey, I'm not gonna argue the point. If you see nothing there, so be it! But that doesn't change the fact that there is in fact an ongoing FBI investigation, that may or may not lead to an indictment. At this point, anyone who claims with any confidence how it will turn out is talking out of their ass, since we don't

Not really the same thing by a mile — previous SoS had private email accounts but did not run a private email server, which is really what her troubles center around. And previous SoS did not withhold (or "lose") thousands of emails. And they did not use private email to nearly the extent that Clinton did. At best,

Bernie: "Instead of either of those, how about universal health care, free college tuition, and a more equitable distribution of wealth?"

That's the thing, though — in general, Hillary is just not that popular among women. She polls well among liberal, Democratic, and African-American women, but is net unfavorable — in many cases by high margins — along other demographic lines. She's especially disliked by independents — women included — by high

Yeah, that's ridiculous. Trump will easily win reelection, after starting a nuclear war that will eliminate all Americans but those loyal supporters granted admission to his Trump-branded bunkers.

Well, it would sure help if she would stop doing shady things that bring on the investigations in the first place. See also yesterday's leaked State Department report on her private email server…sheesh.

And we're also talking about the Hillary Clinton who, as a defense attorney, defended a guy accused of brutally beating and raping a 12-year-old girl, accused the child of being a mentally ill slut, and is on tape laughing about the whole thing. I mean, part of the reason shitty accusations stick to Clinton is that

And Trump's response will be along the lines of "Well…yeah, when the woman is a screeching harpy." And his supporters will love it.

I think it's the "Don Draper Effect." Most people have no idea what's going on, so when someone comes in and exudes confidence and offers simple explanations that sound like "common sense," people will just go with him because he seems like he knows what's going on.

And Trump and Clinton in many ways have enabled each other's candidacies. They're both pretty horrible candidates (look at their pathetic unfavorables!), but they've created this crazy synergy because they are so hated/feared by the other side. Trump supporters are exactly the type who most hate and despise Hillary,

Full-throated agreement with that comment!

*pours one out for Orson Welles*