Mister Pants

Well, frosting is basically just flavored shortening, so you probably want a crisp, acidic white wine like a Riesling that pairs well with oily— wait, you're joking aren't you. Hmph.

The Kids Are Alright*

Obligatory "Honest Trailers suck" gripe!

The Rickmaster General, stamping disapproval on the AV Clubinators!

He's the chairman….

I like shows that weren't canceled!

I'll admit, I wasn't sold on this show right away. I love how it tends to throw the viewer into situations without much if any immediate explanation or exposition, but the pilot episode was tough going for me, since I wasn't sure what was happening and didn't have any particular investment yet in finding out. And

Same here. I guess I should amend my comment — my friends and I didn't fear unilateral Soviet aggression so much as the prospect of mutual escalation. Being on the American side, though, and being typical rah-rah Reagan-era teenagers, the problem obviously was the Soviets and their hatred of freedom!

I was being mostly facetious, but that poor kid is definitely going to need therapy in a few years, no matter what!

I've always felt that organized crime stories are only as popular as they are because their worst crimes don't directly affect most people's lives (in any way they can feel, that is). Whereas those of us who lived through the Cold War felt directly threatened by the Soviet Union. So, even as a huge fan of the show, I

The CEO seems to be a genuine fan of the series, which is cool (for us). It must be nice to run a TV network and have this huge toy box of content creators to dance for your pleasure!

The Americans: love it or leave it (for a series more to your liking)!

Two more seasons sounds perfect to me. Elizabeth, Philip and Paige are fraying at the seams (Henry not so much, though he may be incubating a nascent drinking problem there), and I don't see how the show could go any longer while staying true to its characters.


But how often is "Breaking News" actually news about breaking things??

This is really just the attention-Internet complex in action. Nerd entitlement is as old as the nerd, it's just that in the past no one outside of their individual circles of friends gave a shit or paid them any attention. Now that any dork with Internet access can proclaim his disgust throughout the world, any dork

Poor Elaine is the Dave Moss to Lori's Ricky Roma.

"It's over for me! I'll never find real love!"

Now I'm definitely using those cleaning wipes for the shopping carts at the supermarket!