Mister Pants

"Warning Signs: 1. Rigor Mortis 2. A Rotting Smell 3. Occasional Drowsiness" — Kentucky Fried Movie

That's the problem with post apocalyptic fantasies — everyone casts themselves as a survivor, but realistically, we'd be part of the faceless hordes that are immediately killed!

Call me a bleeding heart, but a deadly global pandemic seems a bit OTT just to troll Buzzfeed.

Probably — but it also at least teases the idea that we can expect a different, and DEFINITIVE! ending of the saga, which is a very intriguing treat for DT fans (assuming of course that Stephen King has input into this). And I'm thinking more than a few readers of the books would welcome some changes, especially to

Yes, low-key! I mean, if you hadn't seen these comics and had to mentally construct them from the comments, I imagine the results would be rather different from the actual thing.

I thought the "fellatio" Maria walked in on was going to be revealed as something innocent and non-sexual that just looked like fellatio. So I was shocked when it actually turned out to have been regular old no-quotation-marks fellatio!

Yeah but I wanted something with a dash more zing to it! By the way, I initially wrote "bent out of shape."

Y'know, just to rant for a moment, I have no idea who actually buys this product, or why. I bought one once when I was a kid, thinking it was sloppy joe filling in a can. But you still have to add ground beef and everything else. So it's basically just a goddamn can of tomato sauce!

But come now! I know we take pop culture pretty seriously here, but I feel like these comic strips merit, at worst, an indifferent "meh." They're trifles…they aren't nearly ambitious enough to have failed to such a degree, to warrant such strong criticism!

Settings: Heroes of iOS

In related manly news, I can't believe the "Manwich" is a product that is still sold!

I took that part to be sort of a tangential swipe, the main joke being how OTT manly this manly-man firefighter movie is!

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

I sure hope not, for the sake of the babies!

It's a rather esoteric joke that requires some familiarity with the titles of Peanuts books to even potentially be funny, and even then it's kind of a subtle joke, making fun of the "_____, Charlie Brown!" naming formula by putting incongruous/inappropriate slogans or familiar sounding phrases in front of the ",

What's wrong with the word "aggro"? I understand it was released for use by over 40s way back in 2000! Anyway, it wasn't my first choice of word, but it was the first one I could think of that wouldn't be taken as some sort of sexual double entendre!

I am Daniel Clowes.

It's probably a good thing then that this is just a single page comic strip that is asking you for literally nothing and bears literally zero consequences from the enjoyment or non-enjoyment thereof!