Mister Pants

Here's an example from AVC that soured him for a few people around these parts:

Plus, he insulted Lars von Trier!

Oh, that's great, because they TOTALLY don't already treat me like their house boy!

This is promising, since my cats aren't already spoiled rotten and living like pashas.

This is in the alternative The Americans timeline, where Philip and Elizabeth facilitate the Communist overthrow of the U.S.

My boss frowns on that…ironically!

Only Funshine Bear Forgives

I can't wait to go home and listen to this and feel bad!

I did get a little geek thrill each time, but then felt bad about it!

I think I'll wait until the next reboot, when Aunt May will be played by Amber Heard!

Whimsical expression of geeky joie de vivre? OR aftermath of bank robbery?

This is slightly disappointing only because I liked the speculation last year that the series might keep leaping backward in time to fill in the criminal history of the region. Still…hey, more Fargo!

I enjoyed the second season, but definitely felt that it strayed from (or grew beyond, depending on your perspective) the Fargo universe to become more of an overall Coen-verse pastiche. To be honest, I thought Hawley went overboard with the Coen Bros. references to the point where it felt distracting and gratuitous.

The only thing that bugs me is that I can already see the brothers being some recycled version of Gale and Evelle Snoats.

Honestly, I got more of a Valhalla Rising vibe, with the extended silences and the weird otherworldly atmosphere.

The irony!!

What! No one has commented yet to point out that it should be spelled "whisky" since Macallan and Laphroaig are pictured? Not that I would be so annoyingly pedantic of course, ha ha.

Speaking only for myself, I find Jonah Ray to be a comedy buzzkill. His humor is mean-spirited, which isn't necessarily a turnoff for me, but there's a joylessness to his act that suggests that he really is just an anti-human, miserable fuck. I had to stop watching Meltdown because for me he came across as a tryhard

"I have a great relationship with the kobolds. I've always had a great relationship with the kobolds."