Mister Pants

"How can we get kids to read more?"

Man, nothing ever changes.

In lieu of a detailed counterargument, I'm just going to stare at you dully for several minutes before abruptly exploding into violence!

Slow Friday, Internet!


Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a…content package…"

We Polked you in '44, we shall Pierce you in '52!


I dunno, I'm gonna need a little more good to make up for the presence of Jonah Ray.

I just want to know what your name is, and what you're here to say!


I guess it'll be a few more movies yet before critics stop punishing Refn for not making another Drive.

The fuck?

What was the offending chyron? Was it a shot of the Eiffel Tower with the caption "Paris"?

I…don't care!

I'll take $50 to give a fuck about Daniel Craig giving a fuck about James Bond!

Looks like Craig has

It's Itchy's time to shine!

Great Job, Internet Webs!

There was a lot of driving and tense whispering, and, uh…..