Mister Pants

The crew loses its memory!

The entire civilization of the planet models itself after some random book.

We apologise for the fault in the comments. Those responsible have been sacked. — AV Club

I want a show where the mysteries lurk above the surface, and everything turns out to be completely normal!

Thanks, Öbåmä!

"There's no 'me' in shame!" — George Zimmerman

I'd say you boys have had enough!

Thing is, I still vividly remember those drawings, whereas I've completely forgotten much of the "real" art I've seen, so I guess the guy had something going on!

I'd actually be kind of surprised if that guy is still alive. He was…odd.

I don't know if it got any better or not, but I grew weary of the first season's endless string of "go to this place and get the thing away from the other guys" episodes. I'm just not a big enough Marvel fan to watch a show whose premise is literally "here is the stuff going on in the Marvel Universe that isn't

Can't they just CGI those guys into the show?

My roommate in college used to draw unironic fan art of Michael Dukakis. He drew pictures of him in like baseball uniforms and stuff. Guy was super into Mike Dukakis.

I don't even know what the Machine is anymore!

If you're not angry, you're probably around my age!

— Whovian

A low-key but surprisingly engaging food/travel show: I’ll Have What Phil’s Having, hosted by Phil Rosenthal, creator of Everybody Loves Raymond. It's excellent food porn — basically just Rosenthal going to cities like Paris and Barcelona and eating and hanging with people. The guy has a likable friendly-neurotic

I don't read novels. I prefer good literary criticism. That way you get both the novelists' ideas as well as the critics' thinking. With fiction I can never forget that none of it really happened, that it's all just made up by the author.

I kinda liked Batman v Superman!

Will this show be many times more smugly obnoxious than the average drunken 19 year old on the topic of religion, or merely precisely as smugly obnoxious?

I wonder if all those bases being in red states would be good or bad for them. They might be located there, but the leadership and personnel wouldn't necessarily be loyal to those states. The red states could end up being screwed by the fact that all of this military force presumably loyal to the federal government is