Mister Pants

Not OK necessarily, just not inherently "suspicious," as if the fact that they're doing it calls their position into question. That's all.

I'm sure they are! I mean, shit, if someone raped my family member and got away with it, at the very least I'd want to make them as miserable as legally permissible!

That's fine…for you and me. If you were personally affected by this situation, though, I suspect it would be tougher to maintain a coolly detached attitude about it. As far as Mia and Ronan are concerned, Allen is absolutely guilty, and they are behaving accordingly.

Why is that odd? They believe Woody Allen sexually abused Dylan, and has not only gotten away with it, but continues to enjoy a career as a respected filmmaker. It's completely understandable that they would stand up every time Allen gets favorable press attention to remind everyone that this guy is a child molester.

I've got a real corker in the works in case she ever gets cast in a Benson remake!

Oh FFS! First the district attorney, now you?

Hey, why didn't you use the "Supergirl in chains" header photo from the earlier story?

"I'm out!"

…and other things Woody Allen has never said.

"You're what Grammy Hall would call a real pedophile."

— Sign posted in all Manhattan preschools

"If there's grass on the field — hey, Woody, where ya going?"

Look, sometimes a long, thick, bulging cigar is just a cigar.

He won't even admit that his movies are semi-autobiographical!

Ain't I a stinker! I mean, for someone who is not a pedophile.

A priest, a rabbi, and Woody Allen walk into a bar. The two who did not rape their young daughter order beers, Woody Allen sticks with hot tea.

The weather is fantastic here today! Sunny and quite mild. Also, Woody Allen sexually assaulted his adoptive daughter when she was seven years old.

My self-serving ethical solution to the Woody Allen dilemma has been to pretend he stopped making movies after 1992. This has worked surprisingly well!

They use a large, vibrating egg!

"…and such small portions!"