Mister Pants

You're almost better off not watching the (vastly superior) second season — I loved it, but it's also kind of heartbreaking that the show didn't find its legs until it was too late.

This is distressingly reminiscent of far too many of my exchanges in AVC comment sections.

Deep Space Nine comes to mind as a show that took a while to find its groove, but then became pretty awesome. The first couple of seasons had a lot of tedious filler, but once they got going with the Dominion War storyline, I was hooked.

I can't abide it, but I don't think there's anything wrong with liking it. I have a weakness for Hungry Man TV dinners. I am in a position to judge no one!

Mediocre, ubiquitous, smells vaguely of piss

I think it's more that the first few episodes are very boring. I ended up really liking the show, but damn, that first season was an absolute chore.

Has there been another TV series (Grey's Anatomy maybe?) where the supporting cast so completely outshone the lead actor?

It might have been a little before its time. I think Dollhouse would have worked well as a Netflix series — cut out the earlier "doll of the week" storylines and get more quickly to the "dollhouse vs. dollhouse" intrigue.

Well, it was interesting how drastically the series improved when the focus shifted to the supporting characters.


I liked her on Angel, but when she did Tru Calling I realized how severely limited her acting range was. So for her to be the star of a show where the basic premise requires, not just decent but phenomenal range….was puzzling.


Short stories should be short films

It would be 100x more awesome in my opinion if Trek fan film makers went in this direction rather than trying to emulate a realistic Star Trek movie or TV episode. When they try to do a straight emulation of Star Trek it just looks off and Uncanny Valley.

So to speak

Mistakes were made.

The clothing doesn't even bother me so much as when they're doing it underneath a gigantic bedspread!

My peeve is the generic brown grocery bag that characters are always bringing back from supermarkets. Are there any supermarket chains that use brown paper bags with no logos? And they're always the old school ones without handles. Not that these aren't used anymore – I do encounter them very occasionally – but it's

Soooooo what happens at the end?

Right on. I love that she doesn't bother with the phony decorum — but still brings the jokes to leaven the outrage. For me it's a satisfying performance. Plus I love that theme song by Peaches.