Mister Pants

That combination of words made me more nauseated than the combination of words you were responding to!

Political geeks in general are Very Serious and really bad at humor. Make a snarky joke about anything on any given Daily Kos comment thread, and you'll be lucky if even a handful of people even realize that you're joking, let alone think the joke is funny.

"This pool blow up into funny shapes and all?"

It actually was just okay — not good, but not horrible either. It left me feeling completely meh!

Well, I was trying to cover some of the different story possibilities, but the most straightforward (and likely) one is that they would simply use the child molestation setup to eliminate Pastor Tim and his wife outright, planting evidence "exposing" them as child molesters and making their deaths appear to be a

It's true!

My only real problem with this Hatesong is that it's barely even about the song itself so much as "let's do the sex" songs in general. However, I thought it was interesting that some people might not be into R&B because its smoothness makes them feel uncomfortable because of their own awkwardness.

Hail Hydra!

This has probably been discussed here before, but the time jump makes me wonder if the way P&E ultimately deal with the Pastor Tim problem is to set him up to be accused of child molestation. Late 1983 to early 1984 is when the McMartin Preschool sex abuse scandal exploded and set off mass hysteria about Satanic child

Wait a minute….

But I imagine most of them didn't need a lot of rewinding!

Masturbation definitely ain't the same without the adrenaline rush of all that danger and anticipation!


It was definitely an adventure! The ones I frequented were always staffed either by creepy weirdos (awkward) or attractive college girls (more awkward). The funniest part of the experience was how sheepish and embarrassed the customers usually were, and how everyone avoided eye contact. One place I went to (once!),

No sleep 'til completion!

I had no idea Tor Johnson was such a sexual dynamo!

Super Awkward Mother's Day Movie Marathon
Murmur of the Heart
Ma mère
Spanking the Monkey
Savage Grace
La Luna

I'd rather have my head stuck in Samantha Bee!

In my youth, I used to walk by this one adult video store and was always tempted to go in, but was too timid.

Pornography replied,
"The times when you have seen only one smear of semen residue
Is when I fapped you."