Mister Pants

Hideously malformed clones for some, miniature Xenomorph action figures for others!

Der Schtingelhoffer!

I guess, but it seems like even with Captain America they make sure is uniform is grimed up with dark, dull colors.


It's the only thing keeping her head attached to her torso!

I'm not sure I've seen any evidence that "mainstream audiences have embraced superhero films and their vibrant attire," although admittedly that's because I can't really think of any successful superhero films that have really featured "vibrant" attire. Even the more colorful costumes are still fairly muted.

Game over!

You can call me Ray, or you can call me Roy, or you can call me Rachel Ray, or you can call me Rachel Roy, but ya doesn't has ta call me Becky with the good hair!

For me, the original cut works better because it keeps you with the perspective of the marines and see the colony as they do. I mean, yeah, we know the colonists are pretty much wasted, but we don't really need to see any of that, and staying with the marines' perspective heightens our empathy with those characters.

Have your feet ever been mistaken for a man's?

I can show you my mountainous goatse!

"Whoever wins…your arches lose."

And when he's middle-aged, he'll hate songs about being young! It's the circle of hate!

Watched this last night with my ex-wife, without knowing what it was about. Good times!

Never thought of it that way before, but Ken Burns totally epitomizes "dad documentary"!

What a cheesy joke!

L.A. isn't even a desert - it has a Mediterranean climate!


Chopped Junior