Mister Pants

Pew pew!

The Oscar for username/comment synergy goes to!

Yeah Mad Max!

What's the point of the thank you crawl if they just end thanking people in their speech?

My gin-soaked brain sympathizes!

"From Spotlight…one of the rapist priests is here!"

— Frank Stallone

This water commercial is really telling it like it is.

"A dead spirit that comes back to life to terrify the living." Enough about you Benicio, get to the nominees!

Jared Leto looks like he was drawn by Daniel Clowes

"Don't you dare get any big ideas." I love this Hillary ad!

Ladies be haranguin'!

This shit beat out that Radiohead song?

Silverman somehow sounded like she was both improvising AND reading off of a teleprompter!

On the plus side I guess it's less likely that anyone gets forgotten.

Awkward laughter all around!

"It's true! We're so lame!"

"As a journalist, I thank you!"
*looks around* "Huh? Oh, you mean you!"

The Flat Affect Series: Allegiant

It's true!