Mister Pants

Joker needs to take his Ritalin

Guardians of the Galaxy was pretty fly for a white guy.

Same here. I had a blast watching it in the theater, but when I tried watching it again on home video, about ten minutes in I was like, "yeah, I don't really need to see this again" and turned it off.

I enjoyed Guardians, but what was risky about it? It was a family-friendly SF comedy, goofy and harmless. If it had been an animated film it would have fit right in with something like Despicable Me.

Batman & Robin Miramontez

I'd love to see a Terrence Malick Superman movie! As nutty as that pairing sounds, I can envision it having the contemplative vibe and aesthetic of the Alex Ross/Paul Dini "Peace on Earth" story.

I'm liking the fucked-up aesthetic of this film…as much as people are ragging on "Hot Topic Joker," Joker being unpleasant to look at seems to be exactly what they're going for.

I actually came here to comment that I liked whoever it was who was playing Tom Hardy in Bronson.

"We're bad guys, that's what we do…BITCH"


Third prize is you stay in Compton!

E chuta!

But what's "abt" mean?

an adoring eight-year-old fan during the filming of the BBC show Jim’ll Fix It in 1979

Let him Tell his Tale first, have a Heart!

Now do "The Diff'rent Strokes of the Red Death"!

"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar"

1849: An impoverished, haggard Edgar Allan Poe, his once-brilliant mind fragmented in delirium, dies alone in a prison-like room of a Baltimore hospital reserved for drunks. His final anguished words: Lord, help my poor soul.

How is A.V. formed?

It was funny! It just got run into the ground.