Mister Pants

Nothing riles people up like implied judgment of their food choices! I agree that people have gotten too hung up on debunking what was obviously a stunt, to the extent of becoming vocal defenders of fast food empires (I'm sure McDonald's appreciates our loyalty) and (dis)missing the relevant issues the film brought up.

Faith in the AVC commentariat restored!

Did that one have an interview with the Fast Food Nation guy? Or was it a DVD extra or something? One of those inspired me to try to only get fast food from Wendy's since it was the one place he'd let his kids eat at.

They're there! You just need to, uh, go down…

Don't give up — that one Japanese guy on Gilligan's Island who thought the war was still going on might still be alive!


What's wrong though with making ethical/moral choices just for your own improvement? (Rhetorical question.) I feel like there is too much judgment and discouragement of these choices based on their practical effect. Like veganism — for any individual, not eating animals has virtually no effect on the food industry,

That's where I'm at right now. I guess I should watch that movie again….

Mob justice is a hell of a drug.

Woof, I looked that up and had to stop watching after a minute.

Wouldn't you think?? Among my dipshit co-workers though, everything being shitty just inspires an "I've got mine, fuck you" attitude. I recall seeing studies that people are motivated less by getting a good deal than by making sure no one else is getting a better deal than them, no matter how shitty the deal is. I

I can see not wanting to be involved with that — the SAT certainly being controversial due to questions of elitism and racial bias and all.

Ideally they would have to sit there wearing only tighty whiteys.

In the UK, do parents browbeat their kids about "clearing your plate"? I got that as a kid, and as an adult it has taken me years to get into the habit of eating based on my appetite/hunger and not simply how much food is in front of me. Also, in any buffet type situation I will take way too much food, out of some

I'm sorry to hear that — I am down in that trench as well. :(

Top Chef is too intimidating for me! But I do get very inspired by Chopped, I guess because you see the cooking process and the dishes are usually a little less involved. Seeing the chefs' decision process and techniques how they put the dishes together motivates me to emulate them in my more mundane way.

I have to ask, what was the connection between Malcolm X and the SAT?

On an episode of This American Life, Ira Glass inspired me to donate to his show, which is the first time I ever gave money to any public radio show (yes, I am horrible, but also poor). I heard his pitch in the shower, and afterwards I went straight to the computer and donated at the TAL website!

Me too! Especially the ones like IV where he's training out in nature. I'm like, man, I should be out there running around! Then I go lie down. If it were possible to "montage" in real life I would be in great shape.