Evan C.

they literally showcased it at the live event. like 0-60 sprints and everything.

Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.


Yeah, if you listen to the earnings call his points are all totally reasonable. But, you know, that would take work and there are clickbaity article titles to be written.

I mean, he is the most favorably viewed politician in the country. That INCLUDES every demographic of American.

I’d go further and call this cynical. I think the author understands that there is a very good chance, and its very reasonable to expect, that this was just poor phrasing. There’s this wing of “liberal” (read: not liberal in the slightest) thought that seeks to cut everyone and any one down and decry them as the enemy

Hmm... (looks at skin color.)

Yes, lets’ all attack Bernie Sanders for being whats wrong with this country. While were at it, let’s also cut off our own noses to spite our faces...

Jesus wept, what has Bernie done lately?

You: “What if we don’t automatically take the least generous interpretation of everything someone says?”

This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who

Do we know it doesn’t? Everyone seems to just be assuming it doesn’t.

That’s not analogous. An ISP has to use more of THEIR bandwidth when they provide a higher-speed line.

They’re not crippling a high-end product and selling it cheaper.

You’re crazy. Tesla should’ve given them the full capability of the car they paid for in the first place. This “PR” only works on people like you, who are already admirers of the cult.

How does restricting the battery make the car cheaper? It sounds like a base-spec model has the same battery as a high-spec model, and therefore cost the same? Unless that line of code cost $9K in man-hours to write?

(Warning: very long rant ahead.)

Now, it should be noted that you could gear a riding lawn mower low enough to get a “good” 0-60 time

It’s just a measurement for comparison now. Kind of like horsepower. Last I checked I didn’t see 485 stallions under my hood.

Wait...for decades of combustion-powered automobiles, 0-60 times were everything. It’s the primary stat the entire automotive publishing industry was built upon. But with battery-powered cars we’re now suddenly not supposed to care?