I haven't shaved clean in 13 years. I don't remember what my face looks like without at least a goatee.
I haven't shaved clean in 13 years. I don't remember what my face looks like without at least a goatee.
Yeah. I think you may be right since ragged mouth sharks can do this as well:
Is that a goblin shark?
She also has a Yelp and softball scores so I guess she's real.
I don't know either. I looked at her site and there's stuff like this on it. So I'm guessing fake.
Is she real or is this comedy? I've reached the point that I can't tell sometimes.
They're working on it.
I drank both in my college days and left both behind. I think back then I just drank to get drunk and now I drink for the enjoyment of something nice.
A nice 12-year-old Glenlivet beats the two bottles of Jack Daniels I could buy for the same price.
It is, which is why I figured it was something far more disgusting than the images my mind conjured up. I'm somewhat disappointed that it wasn't.
Yeah. Too late. I got three very different answers one of which is something I know by a different name and the other two don't seem like a big deal.
I don't know what that is and I'm too squeamish to Google it, but I'm curious.
Well, I was painting with a broad brush. Ultimately the survey dealt with opinion and opinion is not an objective thing. Optimism and pessimism factor into the results and both can skew things. I think racism is tossed around in places where ethnocentrism (Samuel R. Delany wrote a nice article about it on Strange…
So contrary to Wells' Time Machine, the increasing ignorance of mankind will see the human race survive the machinations of anthropophagous - hordes who will eventually starve to death due to lack of suitable prey.
Are these cannibals colorblind? Do they judge their meals based on possible nutritional value - as well all should - or do they only eat certain kinds of people?
Never having been the victim of racism themselves, some people can only visualize racism as the loud and violent sort of racism. Since they don't murder and brutalize people because of their race, they view themselves as not being racist. They're incapable of seeing the sort of racism that's somewhat more subtle than…
I agree with you. It's just rare to find. Arrow did a fair job. They've had a lot of POC – admittedly most of them recurring characters rather than regular cast members. Just going by black men alone, I can name four non-villainous ones off the top of my head (Diggle, Walter, Pike, and Hilton) to balance out the…
That's true. It's simply easier to follow the stereotype and have that stereotype be the whole of the character rather than spend time building the character. I can't say that a character's ace/gender/religion/sexuality/whatever is meaningless, but it shouldn't be the whole of the character's personality.
I think Hollywood - or at least some people in it - seem to operate by the logic that adding a larger group of POC to their works somehow diminishes its appeal to a larger audience and turns it into something that will only appeal to POC. Or maybe they fear that someone will criticize the cast for being "too diverse"…
It even had a recurring gay vampire who wasn't a bad stereotype. My real problem with the show is that we never got to learn the name of the lady vampire with the mohawk or hear her speak.