

She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.

*grafts llama head onto dead human body, selects dress*

I once ate at Gordon Ramsay restaurant and somehow my dad got us into the kitchen for a mini tour. Ramsay was actually there and it was interesting to see how different he was from his TV persona. There was no swearing or yelling, even though it was a busy time. He just seemed like a slightly stressed out dude but way

Yeah, my parents are vehemently against programs like SNAP and insist that it's all a bunch of assholes eating lobster on THEIR DIME and it's NOT FAIR because they're not getting assistance so why should other people?

Yes. The question of "Would you still think it was worth it if your ship blew up and you died," is not the issue for me. The question I have is, "Would it still be worth it for you if you got there and then slowly starved and/or suffocated to death?". Suicide is always an answer, I suppose, but if this is going to be

ANY credibility Robert Christgau had went up in flames the moment he uttered "I think sometimes Taylor Swift blows away young Aretha..."

Christgau's head is so far up his ass he should just keep crawling and disappear completely.

Totally genuinely thought that was a picture of Natalie Portman, Britney Spears, and Goldie Hawn.

I feel la jackee with all this Amber rose/khloe Twitter feud. I'm totally team Amber!

Tyra reminds me of Romy and Michele.

I'm just going to point out that Harper is three, and North is only one. Big difference.

I do not get Azealia Banks. She's a documented homophobe and transphobe, yet people still buy her music and don't take every opportunity to call her out on her shit. She's also apparently a whiny doucher.

Banks needs to shut her mouth. Badu even was gonna take the heat on it by saying she didn't get it due to age. That's not shade. Saying something isn't your scene doesn't mean you're trashing it.

Unpopular opinion but overall I really admire.Madonna. She started in an era, the eighties, in which there were a lot of singers men and wom were overmanaged. She was essentially her own manager, Sure she made mistakes but she kept focused on her career. She shifted when needed and pushed boundaries. Her song Papa

It's not very sexy, maybe for someone who has never had sex before.

This was created by one of our nation's legitimate presidential hopefuls?

Now playing

It makes me sad when celebrities don't like to identify as feminists, but at the same time I'm still really impressed with Nicki's equality-minded pickle juice rant:

I was there last night. The entire event was great except for Nina being a fun killing scold. Probably the second best RBG anecdote was her story about her "lively" son, James. She told us how she would often get calls to visit the school for disciplinary reasons. Finally, one morning after pulling an all nighter (as

There are dozens of us! DOZENS!