
Allergies aren’t to be messed with! Read on another site today that Janice Dickinson was stung by a bee while in the Big Brother UK house. She apparently has severe allergies to bee stings and did not take her EpiPen into the house with her so when she got stung and while her **hand was turning black** she went to the

Mayim Bialek (aka “Blossom” to some) breastfed one of her kids until past his 4th birthday. She practices “attachment parenting” and said in interviews at the time that she only “reluctantly” weaned him even then.

Tell it to Rihanna.

Kinda. But it’s also sort of damned if you do, damned if you don’t, in terms of acknowledging something publicly. “How come Dre refuses to even acknowledge what these women are saying? More disrespect!” If he went to them privately one on one and us jackals out here who feast on celebrity gossip (yeah I cop to it, the

The guy’s apparently a heroin dealer. Maybe “suitable romantic candidate” is not the basis of her interest in him.

I see the problem here. He should’ve said he beat the hell out of her and she still considers him the love of her life and occasionally flirts with him on social media. Who wouldn’t believe that? Girl’s got a type. Apparently.

I like this show. Unapologetically and without shame.

Who needs Hammer pants?

Wow. Went and read that. Is this really the same person? I guess it’s the one who someone elsewhere in comments says used to be a supporter of SARAH PALIN? If so I can understand why some people would not want this to be highlighted but the piece you linked to is pretty awful and unless the person who wrote it has had

Was there a Geraldo camera crew nearby?

Read a business article yesterday saying AA’s sales were down 17% last quarter and that the bigwigs are seriously questioning whether they’ll get through the next four quarter without closing down completely. Cross your fingers.

re: “nonchalant response”. Get a new boyfriend. Him “NEVER” having felt what you feel is no excuse to be dismissive of something like this.

On the upside, you’re not alone, as there is no shortage of people who seem to draw that particular line at Bill Murray.

You left out everyone’s cuddly favorite photobomber, Bill Murray. And a bunch of others, I’m sure, but your effort is noted.

I had an abortion in my early 20s with no doubts at all. I’ve had 20 years since, to develop all the emotional pain or guilt or sadness or OH GOD WHY WHY! I REGRET MURDERING MY HELPLESS BABY SO MUUUUUUUCH!!!!! feelings that the right loves to use as scare tactics. But nope. Just has not happened. In the interim I got

I hear you. Same here - I like reading about all kinds of things that I’ve never experienced. I also dislike reading (and therefore tend not to read!) about all kinds of *other* things I’ve never experienced, or for that matter, some that I have. And this can change from day to day, which I’m sure lots of readers can

Kitten heels.

Her before and after is to me quite similar to Frances Bean Cobain. “Before” both had a slightly prominent (for the rest of the face) chin and thin lips as well as brows that were lower.“

I hear you and want to make it clear I stand firmly with BLM. I can certainly, as you say, “understand their passion”. I even think disruption of some kinds of events can be effective for some purposes. That said, I’m not convinced that *this kind* of disruption is ultimately going to be what moves “black lives issues

To say Bernie Sanders hasn’t acknowledged white supremacy is straight up ignorance. How many Sanders interviews, town halls, public forum situations have these people even seen? I don’t mean this election cycle. He’s been on the scene for twice as long as some of these people have been alive. My guess is they haven’t