
But did they put their thing down, flip it and reverse it?

Let's be real: If Jezebel hadn't of bothered to dig this shit from the bottom of the right-wing pits of the Internet, you would have never known or cared or been concerned.

I'm confused by the phrasing "cover Playboy." It sounds she's going to write an article about the magazine, not appear on the cover.

Things doctors pull out of people, ranked: 1. Appendix 2. Teeth 3. 401K 4. Satanic spirits 5. Blatant lies as to their dietary habits 6. Beer bottles from the anus. 7. Balloons full of heroin 8. Blood 9. Kidney Stones 10. Your soul.

it's about time we got some actual music writers up in here. thank yew.

Educate these damn kids!!!!

I'm gonna be that person. I hate kids in sunglasses. It makes them look hipster jerks.

Yeah he's a good mediator.

If you don't teach your kid how to eat, he/she will eat like an animal. A human animal.

He's also sexist:

Dear Azealia Banks,

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a writer for an alt weekly in South Florida, at the same time Manson was still doing local gigs. We photographed his band for our magazine. He showed up, was very nice and polite, and had a retro metal lunchbox in his hand. He asked, "Do you want to see what's in my

Can we get a study on the disgusting eaters whose maws are like mysterious sound amplification chambers? Even with their mouths closed, they can make the crunch of a single potato chip reverberate throughout the house. Don't care how fast or slow you are eating I shouldn't be able to hear you chewing boiled rice from

People keep saying this shit about kanye and beyonce, and I'm like, have ya'll never passionately defended someone you wouldn't marry? Do you have no friends of the opposite sex?

Wait what? Say what you will about Kanye but man is HEADOVERHEELS for Kim. He legit would never recover if he and Kim broke up. Though the albums would be....

You and me both Kumail. YOU AND ME BOTH

These covers are awful. They're tacky and dumb and I am so over this little rich girl shit. Cara is a halfway decent model but I just cannot with the stupid fucking faces she pulls. Kendall is boring. Gigi Hadid would be relegated to swimsuit were she not an heiress. Maybe that's unfair—to keep the super-commercial

We'll call it...Coatmeal.

I honestly think Kanye gets a bad rap for being an asshole. I think he is an introvert that has an extroverts career. I don't think he like interacting with the press and now less so since he has a kid to protect from their weirdness. I think fatherhood is changing him but he was right about that Beyonce debacle.

I've always found it particularly cruel how people have really jumped on Kanye so hard for his behavior in the last few years, when it was abundantly clear that he felt a tremendous amount of guilt for his mother's death. I'm not going to say the way he coped with it was ideal, but everyone grieves differently. Plus,