
I didn't put anyone down. I honestly can't believe anyone would pay that much money for shoes that look so old and worn. But I guess I am wrong and people are willing to pay it if these shoes are selling out as I think someone on here mentioned. It is my opinion that's a waste of money but by all means, enjoy your

$98 for women's shoes that look both manly and like a pack of wild elephants trampled on them? I know I am an Old but people will actually spend that amount of hard earned money on shoes that look this way? Yikes. This is not s shabby chic or distressed look. I expected her to say in a hipster coy way that she found

I live in Dallas (where this school is located) and he's been interviewed by every news station here, saying he isn't a dancer by any means and he just wanted to show his students that you can still create something significant, even if you aren't an expert at it, that it's all about working together. He's been quoted

It's real-life Mr. G!

We get it, Scot Pankey, you are the most in shape teacher with the tightest pants.

I love how he includes all his students - I'm fond of people who give time to their special needs students. This is the first bit of music I will be buying from a DJ. This song is just like the 70's funk I grew up on.

I'd like to adopt you as my pretty friend. I'm the fat one with the personality (Redundant?). We'll go great together. I smell an award winning sitcom.

make me terribly neurotic

I totes missed the Australia part. I was thinking that Woman's Day was trying to be hip, in which case no. Not gonna work.

Every person ( and corporation ) in the world needs to look in the mirror and practice saying :" I was wrong, and I apologize for being an asshole." Everyone will need to use this phrase at least once in his / her / corporate-personhood lifetime.

We've secretly replaced our viewers' zach galifinakis with sanka. Let's see how they react!

Oooh, in related Pitchfork news... They did an interview with Bjork recently where she talked about not getting enough credit for the production on her albums. Forrest Wickman at Slate then did a great piece about other women in music whose achievements behind the soundboards are often dismissed as all the credit goes

I would bet my life's savings (about $1200 and some rare-ish Nintendo games), that if OutKast said to everyone that they'd do that Election Day scenario, it would actually compel the millions of 20-30somethings like me to vote in a general election.

She looks just like the photo of that repainted Bratz doll from yesterday.

Shes kinda plain and vanilla

she personifies the color beige.

Or you could tell her that it is where you keep your gun locked up and that guns are for killing and you own that gun for shooting people dead. And that dead people are dead forever. Then you could teach her some actual gun safety in case she ever stumbles across your firearm.

Just riffing here.

Could be worse. Could have received "Glitter."

I actually signed up for a Kinja account because of this comment. It is exactly right - what you said, "heart-wrenching, not natural and very hard," is completely true.

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.